Resources / Affiliates

The Australasian Metabolic Health Society is a not-for-profit organisation that Dr Deepa and Dr Alex are directors of.  All health professionals are welcome to join as members.

Dr. Deepa Mahananda is a Certified Ketogenic Nutrition SpecialistSM, credentialed by the American Nutrition Association® through its Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists™.

Our team are all members of Low Carb Down Under, which is an Australian organisation dedicated to helping people understand the Low Carb, High Fat approach to nutrition. Their website features YouTube videos, books, news articles, scientific publications and recipes as well as a passionate and informed social media community.

Low carb down under regularly holds conferences and meeting across Australia with expert presenters, and our team have presented at these conferences in the past.

Our doctors are members of the Diet Doctor network which is one of the largest low carb resources online. It has a large collection of recipes, numerous real stories from patients who have changed their health and lives, in addition to links to the science of low carbohydrate nutrition.

Dr. Alex Petrushevski is a founding member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners. He is currently formalising his extensive clinical experience in low carbohydrate medicine with the SMHP through the Nutrition Network (founded by Tim Noakes) accreditation pathway.

low carb diet dining table

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